Focus Dual Testimonial from a Lynton Clinic client
We have been over the moon with our new device, the Focus Dual, and we know that you have been too!
We recently caught up with one of our first clients for this device who saw some amazing results after their first treatment using the incredible combination of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and Radio Frequency Microneedling.
“The reason for having the treatment for me is that I feel that I’m getting older, so I wanted something that was more natural. I didn’t really want to have surgery and I felt when this treatment came forward it was the perfect thing for me.
As I feel more confident, I feel confident about the treatment and I’m looking forward to having my second one because as a result over the last eight weeks I’ve noticed the difference in the texture of my skin including the fine lines. I’ve also noticed a better elasticity there too. I think I was quite worried, especially at my age, at having treatment done because I didn’t want to be too different, and what I did find with this treatment was I felt that it was very natural; that was more of the approach that I was looking for anyway. It works on many layers is what I’ve been told and already in a very short period of time I’ve noticed a difference in the quality of my skin.
The treatment I had was HIFU and Microneedling. The HIFU was more for the lower part of my jaw and the microneedling was for my upper lip. I’ve only had one treatment at the moment of the HIFU, and I have noticed a difference in that short period of time. I am looking forward to having my next treatment because I have noticed already the difference in my lower jaw and where there were fine lines, where I kind of look sad all the time, so I’m quite happy with the results that I’ve had.
I would recommend this treatment to other people especially as a 55 year old woman who is looking for something different but not too invasive. I have had other treatments before but I can honestly say I haven’t had the results that the HIFU and the Microneedling have given me.”
We are thrilled for this client and are looking forward to welcoming her back very soon for further treatments to both tighten the skin and reduce the obvious signs of ageing, including fine lines and wrinkles.
If a Focus Dual treatment sounds like something you would be interested in, book a free consultation by going to https://thelyntonclinic.co.uk/book-a-consultation/ or read more about the Focus Dual treatments below:
Radio Frequency Microneedling – https://thelyntonclinic.co.uk/treatment/radiofrequency-microneedling-for-face-and-body/